The Mysterious Island

The people of the planet were indeed friendly, a peaceful and very simple civilization it would seem. Though they had profusely warned Maligaant and his squad to avoid the island, even begging them not to go, they held nothing back even identifying the island's location on their maps.

After landing the Lion in a clearing near the outer edge of the island's jungle, and not far from the beach, they began setting up and preparing to explore.  It was at this time the first complication with equipment was noticed.  None of their imaging equipment worked, not even partially.  Even the heads up information inside their helmets wasn't working correctly.  After some discussion and debate they decided to leave their Heavy Battle armor and helmets with the ship.  Instead they equipped themselves with their personal armors from Togoria.

Before heading into the island's interior Maligaant grabbed his sketchbook and added it to his pack.  If they couldn't take pictures, he'd at least sketch what they saw.

The first creatures they saw seemed normal enough, nothing of enormous proportions.  Some were even fairly docile. About mid day on the first day, while they were resting and eating, a large group of herbivores strolled through grazing on the vegetation.
Day 1: Mysterious Island - Docile herbivore

[Excerpt from Maligaant's personal journal: There is something very calming about these creatures. From foot to top of their back they are nearly 2 meters in height and perhaps a hair over 4 meters in length, with a thick leathery hide. Seem to spend their time grazing on the grass and local vegetation. They are docile enough to approach and pet, even seeming to enjoy the interaction. Though Kael seems to be more interested in what they taste like.]

Making their way deeper into the interior of the island grew more and more difficult however, as the thickening vegetation had an impact on their progress.

Nearing Sunset on the first day they were discussing where to make camp when their attention was drawn to the sound of crackling wood, as if on a fire. It became abundantly clear very quickly that the sound was not that of crackling wood but of trees being split and parted, that sound now being joined by impact tremors!  Whatever it was heading their way they quickly scrambled for cover.

It seemed like an eternity as the sounds of snapping trees and impacts slowly grew closer. Finally the trees nearby began to snap and part and their thoughts gave way to reality as a gigantic turtle like creature made it's way past them. The top of it's shell was at least 15 meters high and it was easily 35 meters in length!
Day 1: Mysterious Island - Giant Turtle?


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