Beaches &Trees!
Jarvis, captain of the Bucket of Bolts, had sold Maligaant passage to Pesmenben III, with the understanding that they'd be making a couple of stops elsewhere first. This didn't bother him as he was looking forward to seeing other worlds. He had no clue that any of them might rival Togoria for natural beauty.
"A real sight to see this one is. You might want to make your way to he cockpit, Mal. We are approaching Kashyyyk." Jarvis' voice sputters out through the ship's intercom.
Hopping out of his bunk, he made his way through the ship and into the cockpit doorway where he stood in complete amazement!
The planet of Kashyyyk nearly filled the entire cockpit window and was breathtaking to behold. Jarvis had shown a real pattern of overselling things up to this point. Over the course of the last few days they had made stops at several Trade Stations that he had described to Maligaant each time as being "real beauties". This, however, was the first time he believed Jarvis had actually understated something. As they got closer and closer the beauty of this world shone against the black framework of space.
"Mal, would you be lad and check to make sure cargo is latched down good and tight again? Always makes me jittery landing here with all the trees."
He nodded to Jarvis, who was looking back over his shoulder at him, and slowly backed out of the cockpit, prying his eyes from this scene was difficult. Turning away Maligaant headed to the cargo hold as instructed.
Having checked all the lashings on the freight he started to head back to the cockpit when the quiet hum of the engines ended. "We are entering the atmosphere." he told himself. Having experienced Jarvis' piloting skills enough by now, Maligaant quickly headed for a seat in the common area when Jarvis' voice crackled over the intercom system, "Might wanna hold onto something back there, Mal. Sometimes it's a bit choppy as we approach on this one."
The next few minutes flew by and before he know it they'd landed. Maligaant headed to the boarding ramp as it lowered and his eyes were greeted by yet an even more remarkable sight!
Kashyyyk was truly a wonder to behold! The trees were taller than anything he'd ever seen, taller even than many if not all the mountains on Togoria. As he gazed about at the wondrous city built right into and a part of the trees he begin to take notice of the beings walking up to their ship. Tall, nearly as tall as Togorians, and covered in hair and looking every bit capable of ripping them both to shreds. Instinctively Maligaant began tensing up as Jarvis took a few steps forward, handing them a data pad and some credits. He spoke with them in hushed tones for a few moments, all the while one of them never took his eyes off Mal. Jarvis finished speaking with the one and handed him a few more credits, they appeared to have come to some sort of understanding. Looking back over his shoulder Jarvis said, "Alright Mal, you can start unloading all the cargo in those blue and red crates I pointed out to you earlier."
Nodding to Jarvis he headed up the ramp and into the cargo bay to begin the unloading process. Maligaant had agreed to help with loading/unloading and some other basic jobs as part of the payment of his passenger fees. The crates weren't light but they weren't heavy either and Mal made quick work of it.
With all the cargo offloaded and their job done, Jarvis informed him that he had some minor business to conclude before they could leave. One more night before they were headed to Pesmenben III it would seem.
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