An Appropriately Named Ship

After settling into his quarters on board the Bucket of Bolts, "what a strange name to give a ship" he thought, as he headed out into the ship to familiarize himself with it's layout.

As he walk down the corridors, ducking his head into the various rooms and storage areas,  he was struck by the many conditions the ships interior seemed to be in. Some portions were definitely clean and in good shape while others were in various states of disrepair,  falling a bit short of  the beautiful craft described to him by it's captain. 
Maligaant began to have some doubts on whether or not this was a good choice but those thoughts were quickly pushed out of mind as the boarding/loading ramp raised with a strange pneumatic metal on metal noise.  He could hear the captain speak through the ship's intercom, "Taking off in just a minute, for your own safety I recommend passengers please find a place to sit."  Was he kidding? As far as Maligaant knew he was the ONLY passenger.  He quickly made his way into the common area and took a seat behind some sort of gaming table.

The sounds of the the ship's engines humming, rumbling and coming to life filled the corridors and rooms. "Yeah yeah, I know. I'll pay that fee on my return, I promise!" The captain was yelling at some administrator over the com system. He wasn't able to make out what was being said on the other end but whoever it is didn't sound happy.  With that  a strange feeling of motion overcame Maligaant as the ship lifted off,  accompanied by an increased roaring from the engines.  At this point he realized he'd buried his claws into the cushioned seat he was currently occupying. "That's a bit embarrassing." he muttered.  Maligaant tried to focus his mind in an effort to calm his nerves just as the ship obviously increased in speed lifting into the planet's atmosphere.  As it did so a rather loud, metal on metal, shaking sound began to fill the ship, produced from the floor plates in the common area & giving him a real feeling the ship might actually shake apart.  It was at this moment that it occurred to him that his previous assessment of the captain's choice for ship name was wrong and that 'Bucket of Bolts' may well appropriate!  A sneering smile formed on his face.  Suddenly, the shaking noises ceased replaced by a smooth quietness and the engine sounds morphed into a much calmer hum. 

He closed his eyes, enjoying the quiet hum of the engines, something about it was soothing. Enjoying this feeling he found himself lost in the moment, if but briefly when the captain's voice again crackled over the intercom system, "Calculating jump, we'll be entering Hyperspace in a moment, if you wish to watch from a viewport.


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