
Maligaant stood on the bridge of his command ship, his gaze fixed on a supply report displayed on a datapad.  The thoughts in his head had been dark and tormenting for many weeks now.  They seemed to always drift, as if guided, back to that night.  The assassination attempt on his life.  The death of Arvis.  Had it not been for Arvis he would most certainly have met a grave fate at the assassin's hands.  Command had assured him that they would discover who had hired the assassin.

His eyes closed as he thought back over the months. He had lost 4 of his squad members now,  three of them were more than Draigons to him. They were his brothers, as all Draigons are. But these 3 were more than that, they were Togorians! They were 'truly' his brothers.  He could still recall Toby's reaction when Zan was taken by the Sarlacc to die in the sandstorm ... Maligaant's eyes opened wide with a sudden realization.

Looking back down at the datapad in his hands he tapped on the screen and pulled up the 'Huntsmen" log files. Finding the file he was looking for he opened it and began scrolling through the data, finally stopping at the image of the old seer, Menrah.  He could see it as if it was yesterday - the mysterious island and its people ... the old seer's words to each of them, reading from the file, her words to Zan burned as he read out loud,  "Sealed in sand your fate is",  he continued reading from the file, "Your fate shall be the same as his" as she looked into Kael's eyes.

Shaken he reached out with his left paw, placing it firmly on the bulkhead.  He felt a cold chill as his eyes scoured the rest of the file.  Again he read the file aloud, 'when examining Arvis, "Your life or his?"'

How could this be? She'd seen the future. How could she have known? Wait...she had warned them! She had warned him! Turning his eyes back to the datapad and the file the words she had spoken to him lept from the screen, "Beware the betrayer."  JARVIS!

Filled with rage and anger at his own failure to see the old woman's words for what they were he let out a tremendous roar, slamming the datapad to the floor.


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