The Lion's Den

Part of Mal's new orders included taking command of a new Quasar class Cruiser that was to become his new home and the operational base for Bravo Company's 8th platoon -'The Huntsmen'.

A true carrier class ship it was large enough to house all the various needs of 8th platoon.

After landing his YT-1300 on board the massive ship, he proceeded to look over the new vessel.  Standing at the edge of the docking bay he looked down on Pesmenben III and could see the flickering lights of the capital city.  The size of the ships docking bay was truly a sight to behold. Plenty of room on the ship to carry all the squad's various craft. With that, he moved to the closest lift, time to take command.

A short time later he stepped onto the ship's bridge and officially took command.  As he moved around the bridge he came to a stop in front of the dedication plaque:  TMS Lion's Den    The plaque listed Maligaant as the Commanding officer as well it's construction at Farpoint Shipyards in the Pesmenben System along with the names of several outstanding engineers and command personnel involved with its construction.

Over the course of the next few days, he acquainted himself with the ship and its crew and then set up some of his new Togorian recruits as the ships security personnel.


Back in the capital city, Mal brought his Sc'rath down and through the left shoulder of the holographic opponent,  rending it in two. As the hologram faded from view he heard the sound of his personal RA-7 protocol droid entering the room.

"Sir, dinner is nearly ready." the R7 stated in its rather dry voice.

Nodding to the droid he walked to the wall and shut off the combat training simulation. Sheathing his Sc'rath he moved down the hallway to his bedroom and a quick shower followed by a bite to eat and some much-needed rest.


The night air was crisp and cold, just the way he liked it. Kneeling on the rooftop he watched the display on his datapad. The protocol droid was inactive in the corner of the kitchen and his primary target was sleeping. The sensor pods he'd placed were working perfectly.

Standing up he activated his jetpack and shot off from the rooftop perch into the night sky. He controlled the ascension perfectly coming to a gentle gliding drop onto the target buildings roof.  Two quick movements and the jetpack was dropped quietly to the ground, resting in the shadows of one of the building's many air filtration units.

The roof access door was fairly well reinforced and required a security code.  Moving his hand over the panel he entered the code and the door opened.

Having made his way down the stairwell to the correct floor he stopped at the door.
His helmet's visual sensor activated he could see all the heat signatures on this floor. Just outside the door was a two-man security detail. From their size and heat signatures, they were both humans.

He drew two short blades, opened the door and stepped out running the blades through their armor and into the heart of each guard.  Slowly kneeling, blades still skewering the guards he allowed their bodies to quietly come to rest on the floor before moving each one into the stairwell and out of sight. Nothing stood between him and his target now as he moved silently down the hallway.


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