
The streaks gave way in a brilliant explosion of light as the Lion exited hyperspace to the view of a planet hanging like a gem amongst the stars. Maligaant stared out at the planet blank-eyed and emotionless. It had been only a week since he'd been discharged from the recovery ward and given this assignment. He had been certain that these restless feelings would be gone by now. And yet he felt nothing but this sinking uneasy feeling that had found its way into his mind and heart ever since he had awoken in the Bacta tank. He watched and listened as Jerex, in the pilot seat, entered some course adjustments and began speaking into the comms with some officials at the local starport. Stepping back he exited the cockpit and moved down the corridor and into the main hold taking a seat and bracing himself for the atmospheric turbulence that would be coming.

A growl to his left brought his attention to Shane, sitting across the table and looking at him. Mal nodded and smiled as he reached up to his chest moving his paws over where 3 holes had been. Shane snarled and squinted as he turned his attention back down to a datapad.

It wasn't just him. The entire squad was uneasy and tense. Their recent losses in the desert had been hard. The bodies of their squad mates had never been recovered and that didn't sit well with any of them to be sure. But there was something else gnawing at him. The mercs who had been tracking them and who had nearly killed him. The ship shook as it entered the planet's atmosphere.

Still looking at Shane his thoughts moved to their reason for coming here. An old mercenary contact of Rerrick, someone who Rerrick was certain would know who these mercs were and more importantly why they'd targeted the squad. 

His datapad lit up with an incoming call, it was Toby.  Checking the transmission he verified it had been encrypted and secured pressed play and began watching the transmission from his old friend & mentor. 


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